The Guitarist
The passion of misguided fools
Me Danny Moore – Lead Guitarist.
Playing guitar took hold of me from quite a young age whilst on holiday with my parents in Spain, I remember the hotel evening entertainment was pretty terrible until one night a chap from Birmingham turned up with a guitar (he was a guest in the hotel and was asked if he could do a few songs) well he blew my socks off!!
From that point on I had to learn how to play! My mum got me a guitar and I worked real hard, Jimmy quit and Jody got….. oh… ummm, anyway since then I’ve been lucky enough to play and record with many bands and have quite an extensive collection of touring wounds both in this country and abroad.
I have a terrible problem with guitar collecting so don’t expect to see the same guitar twice!
It was Louis Armstrong who said, “Music is life itself.” Looking forward to sharing that energy with you.
Keep it live.